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Implementation of CRIA Tire Grading Standard
Date:2016/11/09    Author: -    From: China Rubber Journal

The Tire Grading Standard and the Management Rules for Tires Labeling released by China Rubber Industry Association (CRIA) are to be implemented on September 15, 2016.

Xu Wenying, secretary general of CRIA, said that if consumers could be truly familiarized with the meaning of those labels and purchase labeled tires as their priority with the invisible hands of them, the reshuffle of the tire industry would be accelerated, thus playing a positive role in driving the tire industry in China to eliminate the outdated businesses, achieve industrial transformation and upgrading and support the outstanding and strong ones.

According to Zhu Hong, director of the Technical and Economic Committee of CRIA, the platform for online declaration and data management has by now been opened to enterprises, which has seen much enthusiasm of both large tire companies at home and the foreign tire companies in China.

It is believed that the standard for grading of tire products mainly include parameters such as rolling resistance of tires, holding performance on wet land, free-wheeling noise.

Some of the declared enterprises have started to prepare relevant materials and conduct tests on these projects.

Zhu Hong said that tire grading labels would be approved and issued to the declared products after an examination of the materials provided by tire industries.

By then, labels would be attached to the tires for consumers to choose when they were to be sold in markets.